Norwest Quarter Stage 1 Building C (L3-L22)

Norwest Quarter Stage 1 Building C (L3-L22)

  • Design Scope: Facade engineering services. Class 2
  • Address: 40 Solent Circuit Norwest NSW 2153
  • Architect: Bates Smart Architects

Images courtesy to the architect.

CGS Façade Engineering was engaged to provide façade engineering services for the development of Norwest Quarter consisting of Stage 1, including building B (L2-L12) and building C (L3-L22).

CGS Façade Engineering developed a performance solution for Building C (L3-L22), pertaining to general façade specification | wind loads calculations | architectural drawing reviews | termination height | window framing | design certification | façade thermal bridging and condensation | window shop drawing review | PBDB | external light steel stud wall design.

Residents of building C will enjoy an abundant lifestyle with large personal, retail, eatery, health and nature pockets.

Once complete, both residential buildings will transform a vibrant town centre for over 2,000 residents who look to being a part of a leafy neighbourhood.