Macarthur Health Precinct Stage 2

Macarthur Health Precinct Stage 2

  • Design Scope: Façade Design & Consultation
  • Address: 1 Hurley Street, Campbelltown NSW 2560
  • Architects: Team 2 Architects

Image courtesy of the architect.

CGS Façade Engineering was engaged by the contractor to provide façade engineering services for Macarthur Health Precinct Stage 2.

Strategically located near the recently redeveloped Campbeltown Public Hospital – Stage 2 of the Macarthur Health Precinct is a ~8,800m2 NLA short stay surgical hospital and medical office building which has been designed to accommodate a short stay surgical hospital, GP clinic, pharmacy, pathology, medical imaging, specialist consult suites and other health related uses.

This precinct will be a vital addition to the Campbeltown community.

CGS Façade Engineering is excited to announce that it has completed work for this important project, and we are enthusiastic to see its successful building completion to secure an important and lasting impact on national health.